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World Project Management Leaders to convene in Dublin

18 Mar 2015
World Project Management Leaders to convene in Dublin

IPMA® Executive board

The project management thought leaders from 57 countries will gather in Dublin on March 28, 2015 to attend the Council of Delegates meeting of the IPMA® (International Project Management Association).

As a small country, we must strategically use these international networks to help us achieve our future targets. There are benefits derived from having a strong inward flow of international expertise in project management and from being well connected internationally.

The council meeting determines the policies and strategies for the organisation, provides an opportunity for delegates from all countries to exchange ideas on today’s project challenges and emerging trends, enjoy networking, and sample the host country's culture.

Our international linkages are important for all aspects of project management. It is essential that companies in both the manufacturing and services sectors have access to leading-edge project management research, training and certification solutions wherever these may be located in the world. That is one of the Institute's most important beliefs.

This connectivity also helps Ireland respond strategically to developments at the European level regarding potential European Project Management Certification issues. A range of initiatives to encourage a coordinated approach to certification in Europe are currently being launched as EU member states aim to strengthen further the profile of project management and use it to help achieve economical and societal objectives.