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Bord Snip Nua Recommendations

24 May 2011
Bord Snip Nua Recommendations

One of our plans for future competitiveness rests with the imminent recommendations of Bord Snip Nua which are supposed to identify opportunities to eliminate waste in the government.

Just how focused will these recommendations be on the delivery of the proposed results? Is anyone thinking of these plans as a change portfolio, that must be managed correctly? Will it be operated like a portfolio office...or will it be an office dedicated to reading thousands of reports?

The proposals will create an immense amount of work but we have heard nothing yet about the management of all of these recommendations.

Project Portfolio Management will be a key element in the success of these cost reduction packages - however, it does not appear to be on the radar. Whether it is the politics, the spin, or what, it just doesn't get talked about.

That is what should happen. First, get the people who know how to manage complex change initiatives — these are not career politicians but are experienced project professionals — who can manage change portfolios... that can get results.

Second, emphasize the competency of project management. Where it exists, the government should leverage the pockets of excellence to develop an enterprise discipline in project execution.

We also need to advocate for accelerating the project. There couldn't be a greater sense of urgency right now. We need to get the huge national debt lowered as quickly as possible.