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Dr Martin Barnes talks about London Olympic Games at IPMA World Congress in Crete.

05 Nov 2012
Dr Martin Barnes talks about London Olympic Games at IPMA World Congress in Crete.

Dr Martin Barnes, Honorary Fellow of IPMA and the President of the Association for Project Management (APM), give a keynote presentation at the 26th IPMA World Congress.

Dr Barnes described how he came up with the New Engineering Contract, a straightforward contract format for project managers to use, much to the disappointment of a number of his friends in the legal profession.  Dr Barnes proceeded to describe his astonishment and pride when Sir John Armit, the Chairman of the London Olympic Delivery Authority, indicated in a television interview that the single most important factor for being able to deliver the Olympic Game venues on time was the New Engineering Contract which was used on all construction projects for the games. Dr Barnes can be contacted through APM.